Witches' practices and the art of divination have always gone hand in hand, deeply intertwined throughout history.

Cyndy Grunston

Cindy Grundsten Collection crystal ball with stand. Various sizes. Price from £14.99 + £3.50 2nd class tracked postage.

Broomstick Crystall Ball

This quirky crystal ball set would make the most welcome addition to any witches altar. Size 17cm ball 11cm. Price £45.99 + Postage.

Viking Rune Stones

Large Rose Quartz Viking Rune Stones. Free Viking rune chart. Blank rune is Odins rune Price £22.00 free 2nd class postage.

Viking Rune Stones

Aventurine Viking Rune Stones. Free Viking rune chart. Blank rune is Odins rune Price £17.99 free 2nd class postage.

Viking Rune Stones

Clear rock quartz viking rune stones. Free Viking rune chart. Blank rune is Odins rune Price £16.99 free 2nd class postage.